PETA draws a lot of criticism for it's unabashed publicity seeking, with each campaign more wacky and sensational than the last. On the other hand, when you are up against some

Although PETA is loathed by many conservatives in the US, especially in the South, where BBQ comes just after guns as a fundamental right, I don't see what's so incompatible with being a carnivore and believing in humane farming methods.
PETA also draws a lot of criticism for "objectifying women" in pursuit of animal rights (or self glory, depending on your view) and it is true that attractive women, usually scantily clad, feature prominently in many of their campaigns.
It seems to me that the reason this grates so much, is that this advertising staple looks so out of place when the object being advertised isn't a car or an up market consumer brand. When The Onion makes such an observation it's satire when PETA does it, it's exploitation.
All very interesting. Take some time to wonder around the PETA website and don't miss PETA TV. You may not agree with any or all of it, but it's worth a few minutes.
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