What's left of the Australian Democrats have come up with a cunning plan to make themselves relevant again following the loss of their last senate seat in the 2007 Australian federal elction
The Democrats have launched a new site: bastardwatch.com.au with a new twist on their old slogan of "Keep the bastards honest".
The Grill a Bastard game was launched on the Australia Day week end and involves scortching 5 sausage pollies (Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull, Julia Gillard, Stephen Conroy and Peter Garrett) on the grill by turning up the heat.
The Dems have announced that over twelve thousand visitors grilled the pollies over the Australia Day weekend.
Visitors were also invited to ‘nominate a bastard’ of their own. Predictably the "human press release" Kevin Rudd was nominated (24%) well ahead of other pollies for his support for the ban on gay marriage.
Stephen Conroy was nominated by 15% of players for his plans to censor and slow the internet while Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull barely registered (3%) with site users.
According to the Dems, a lot of people wanted to nominate the banks.
To nominate your own bastard click here. To date, no one has nominated charcool.com.au but you're welcome to draft us into the Bastard Hall of Fame
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