The Otago Times in New Zealand, reports the sad case of 2 South African born men who died and 1 who is seriously injured after taking their charcoal BBQ into their cabin while on a week end fishing trip.
Police said initial indications were that the two men died from carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of using the charcoal-burning portable barbecue in the cabin.
Ben Walker, who runs the motor camp, said it was "stupidity" to take the barbecue into their cabin to keep warm.
"If only I had seen them take the barbecue inside, things could have been different. I feel like crying, I just can't believe it," he told The Dominion Post.
Now, read this: the deaths are a tragic reminder of the risks of using any type of fuel burner in a confined space. Carbon monoxide displaces oxygen in the bloodstream and deprives the heart, brain and other vital organs of oxygen.
The trio were on a weekend fishing trip while their wives were at a baby shower for the seriously ill man's wife in Hamilton.
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