The Ozpig is a portable steel bbq come outdoor fireplace for camping or caravan use.
The original inspiration for the Ozpig's barrel body was a 9kg gas bottle but these days he comes purpose built with detachable legs, chimney, hot plate and diffuser.
This type of fireplace is generically called a choofer and a number of camping sites have pages dedicated to making one at home if you don't want to stump up the $240 for a professionally built one like Ozpig.
The Ozpig is perfect for cooking everything from a roast to muffins.
Your Ozpig comes with 2 warming plates, one for cooking and the second for warming and you can also purchase a diffuser.
Pivot the top plate away and add the diffuser on top of the flames. You now have the option of two warming areas while cooking on top of the diffuser. The diffuser is excellent for toasting bread & muffins. It can also be placed under your camp oven to reduce the heat (stewing).
Having 2 plates and a diffuser enables you to keep your kettle hot on one, your chili or stew hot on another while cooking on top of the diffuser.
See it most major camping and caravan shows or visit the Ozpig site.